What are the good franchise brands?

The franchise sector must do more to help potential investors make the right decision for them and their families. 

And The Franchise Ratings Scale is a key step in that direction.

If you are involved in franchising in just about any capacity, you have probably experienced being asked “What are the good franchise brands?”, or "what is the best franchise to buy?", or questions very similar to that.

It's to be expected, as while everyone interacts with, and sees franchise brands all around them on a daily basis, there is still this lack of understanding of which ones actually perform well for the investor.

And that is no surprise really given the whole model can be a bit mysterious to the uninitiated. After all, franchising as a business model has proudly proclaimed since anyone can remember “no experience required”, in order to invest in the majority of franchise brands. 

Again, no surprise then that it attracts so many people with little real knowledge of how to compare one opportunity against the next.

The franchise sector must do more to help potential investors make the right decision for them and their families.

Given this understanding of a knowledge gap on how to rank the performance of a franchise is clearly 'a thing', we’ve welcomed FRANdata Australia's efforts, spearheaded by CEO, Darryn McAuliffe, to introduce and drive the adoption of the Franchise Ratings Scale into the market.

Brands big and small have seen the opportunity to clearly demonstrate their transparency and investment credentials to potential franchise investors.

Darryn stopped by the studio to give an update on how the Ratings Scale is being received, as well the role it plays in the market.

MORE on the Franchise Ratings Scale